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Liborous Oshoma: You Say You Have Miracle Soap, Water, Perfume. Anybody Can Call You Out If They Fail


Liborous Oshoma: You Say You Have Miracle Soap, Water, Perfume. Anybody Can Call You Out If They Fail

Human rights advocate and attorney Liborous Oshoma talked about the laws in Nigeria regarding defamation, especially as it relates to public leaders like pastors, in an interview with News Central TV. He stressed that disseminating incorrect information online is considered cyberbullying under the Cybercrime Act, and intentionally sharing false information about another individual is considered defamation.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>


Liborous Oshoma: You Say You Have Miracle Soap, Water, Perfume. Anybody Can Call You Out If They Fail

The key defense against defamation, Oshoma noted, is the truth—if the information is accurate, it cannot be considered defamatory. 

Oshoma argued that individuals, especially those promoting questionable products like “miracle” soaps, waters, or perfumes, cannot claim defamation if the criticism is based on truth.

These products are often advertised with unverified claims of healing, poverty alleviation, and protection against spiritual attacks. If a product fails to deliver on these promises, consumers have the right to challenge the seller.


Liborous Oshoma: You Say You Have Miracle Soap, Water, Perfume. Anybody Can Call You Out If They Fail

Oshoma suggested that regulatory bodies like NAFDAC should be involved in verifying the ingredients and efficacy of such products, rather than leaving these matters solely to spiritual interpretation. 

In his words, “You say you have miracle soap, you have miracle water, you have miracle perfume, and that they heal and they cure. They drive away poverty.”

“If there are spiritual attacks, once you use this product, all of these difficulties will vanish. Now, you have advertised to the entire world.”


Liborous Oshoma: You Say You Have Miracle Soap, Water, Perfume. Anybody Can Call You Out If They Fail

“Anybody at all that uses this product and it fails can call you out because you owe that person a duty of care.” 

“If I buy the product, I want to heal people on the street, and I buy this product and give it to them, and nothing happens. Is that not deceit?”

“By virtue of the Information Act, you have the right to seek information from HNC, so NAFDAC, by virtue of its freedom of information, I need information.”


Liborous Oshoma: You Say You Have Miracle Soap, Water, Perfume. Anybody Can Call You Out If They Fail

“These products, what are the ingredients? What did you actually carry out to approve this product? What are the steps taken?” 

“I also need you; please help us carry out a verification in your laboratory to test the efficacy of these products. It is not everything that should be left to the realms of spirituality.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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