You Take The Oil Resources From The Niger Delta And You Give Oil Blocks To Some Individuals -According to Femi Falana

You Take The Oil Resources From The Niger Delta And You Give Oil Blocks To Some Individuals -According to Femi Falana

SAN Femi Falana, a human rights activist and senior advocate for Nigeria, has argued that the wealthy in Nigeria profit from subsidies by giving oil blocks to people who don’t need to make large investments, which makes them instantly wealthy. He attacked the system, pointing out extra benefits that the wealthy were entitled to, such duty-free shopping and tax breaks. He voiced worries that national sovereignty would be compromised if the wealthy were permitted to manufacture without government supervision. The Legal Eagle highlighted how the economy must be controlled to avoid a small number of people owning all the riches. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He said in an interview with Channels TV, ”Subsidies are introduced every day and in every country in the world including leading capitalist society, goods are subsidized. I’m saying that the rich are subsidized in Nigeria. You take the oil resources from the Niger Delta and you give Oil blocks to some individuals. People who didn’t invest a dime and they became instant billionaires by simply hawking the license given to them.

So this system subsidized the rich, they are given tax holidays, they are given duty waivers. And you are saying whatever they are producing, the government should have no say. No, that will be subversive of our sovereignty. Because the economy shall be managed and operated in such a manner that the wealth of the country is not concentrated in the hands of a few or a group.’ CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>


  1. Someone was in charge of the receiving and recording. Where was our CBN Gov on such huge money. He and his workets knows and should be held accountable.

  2. This man is a hero of our time. Another Gani Fawehinmi. Meanwhile, one of the things that baffles me most about this present regime, is that our President is doing absolutely nothing to curb the excesses of our political leaders, to cut down the huge cost of governance, the cost of making laws by so many law makers; laws that up till date have no visible impact on the state of the country! Corruption still thrives.

  3. We voted Tinubu a known accountant politician so he can save Nigerians from the hardship of inequalities in distribution of wealth and employment as well as development but things have not gotten better at all please honorable president show mercy to the poor who cannot afford the high prices of food as most are unemployed please save Nigerians, how can Cement produced from our own limestones be sold to us at such high prices,even petrol refined from our own crude oil should not be sold to us at such high prices,if the prices can’t be brought down then allow more rifiners and more manufacturers the prices will come down and wealth will be distributed to the poor for peace and progress please give us a chance to live

  4. We voted Tinubu a known accountant politician so he can save Nigerians from the hardship of inequalities in distribution of wealth and employment as well as development but things have not gotten better at all please honorable president show mercy to the poor who cannot afford the high prices of food as most are unemployed please save Nigerians, how can the prices of food be so high please let us make more mechanized farms let price control be introduced and maintained,how can Cement produced from our own limestones be sold to us at such high prices,even petrol refined from our own crude oil should not be sold to us at such high prices,if the prices can’t be brought down then allow more rifiners and more manufacturers the prices will come down and wealth will be distributed to the poor for peace and progress please give us a chance to live so we will not die prematurely sir and contribute to the development of the country

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