Yahaya Bello: Jesutega Onokpasa “Ododo is in charge of a state that is bigger than entire southeast”

APC member and attorney Jesutega Onokpasa has responded to inquiries on Kogi Governor Usman Ododo’s nonattendance at an APC function held at the national secretariat. The constable for Ododo used the excuse “security challenges” for his absence from the ceremony, but some conjectured that he was trying to stop the EFCC from arresting his predecessor, former Governor Yahaya Bello.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Onokpasa, in a video shared on YouTube by TVC, said Ododo’s focus is on governing Kogi State, which is larger than the entire southeast region. He said that any security concerns in Kogi require Ododo’s attention, and his absence from the event was unrelated to Bello’s situation.

Onokpasa said “Governor Ododo is in charge of a state that is bigger than the entire southeast, I am not his lawyer, I am not even holding briefs for him. His deputy said it was due to security reasons. He has this huge state to administer, the security reasons could have anything to do with anywhere in his state, a state that is bigger than one of our six geopolitical zones, what does he have to do with Yahaya Bello?”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

1 Comment

  1. It’s appalling when you hear statements from those who are supposed to be learned but in truth are not. This comment on the south east i consider highly derogatory. Referring to the south east as though it was a fruitless state like Kogi.

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