What Adam Committed As Sin Was Tithe, He Went And Touched The Untouchable-According to Pastor Ibiyeomie

What Adam Committed As Sin Was Tithe, He Went And Touched The Untouchable-According to Pastor Ibiyeomie

Renowned pastor David Ibiyeomie recently discussed the spiritual implications of tithing during a sermon in a Facebook video. Pastor Ibiyeomie asserts that the idea of tithing was connected to Adam’s act of disobedience, which is frequently regarded as sin. According to him, God told Adam to eat the forbidden fruit and thereby lose God’s blessing because Adam had touched the “untouchable” by doing so. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to him, “What Adam committed as sin was tithe, he went and touched the untouchable, so God said: Take the fruit, I take my blessing. That was all God did. That’s why when a man does not pay tithe, God will allow you to take whatever you want to take, take the money, He will take His blessing. Check when you don’t pay tithe you will get money the way other people get money in the world – You will struggle, you will do kickback, you will kill people, you will steal but blessed people they don’t do that; anything they touch (moves smoothly).”

Pastor Ibiyeomie emphasized that when an individual neglects to tithe, God allows them to take whatever they desire, such as money, while retaining His blessing. The pastor drew a parallel between the struggles and unethical means some individuals employ to acquire wealth when they do not tithe. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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