We were told that Tinubu was prepared and had an eye for talent, all that is history–According to Chidi Odinkalu

Ariwoola in a mere two years as CJ has advanced his son and daughter-in-law to the bench–According to OdinkaluAs per the Punch report, President Tinubu’s administration faced criticism from Prof. Chidi Odinkalu, the former Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, for prioritizing political gains over competent governance. This led to the formation of an unqualified, poorly coordinated cabinet that was ill-prepared to govern Nigeria. He said that the administration’s main focus has shifted to state capture, which happens when powerful individuals use their positions to further their personal agendas at the expense of the general welfare. This has made it more difficult for the administration to deal with the nation’s urgent problems.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He concluded that this lack of emphasis on performance and meritocracy has led to an administration that is incapable of delivering meaningful improvements to the lives of Nigerians.

He said, “We were told that Tinubu was prepared and had an eye for talent. Well, on this evidence all that is history. This Tinubu administration is uncoordinated, unprepared, and doing very abysmal. The major reason is that the government’s overriding goals are political not performance. The cabinet mostly reflects that and with an incapable cabinet, you cannot perform. So, what they have focused on is state capture which is antithetical to sensible governance.”