Traditional Rulers Who Conferred Chieftaincy Titles without Authorization to be Suspended by Soludo

Traditional Rulers Who Conferred Chieftaincy Titles without Authorization to be Suspended by Soludo

The Ministry of Local Government, Community and Chieftaincy Affairs of the State of Anambra has threatened to suspend traditional rulers who willfully bestow chieftaincy titles on individuals without following the proper procedures. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Hon. Tonycollins Nwabunwanne, the State’s Commissioner for Local Government, Community, and Chieftaincy Affairs, denounced the unlawful bestowing of chieftaincy titles onto individuals by certain traditional leaders inside the State.

The Commissioner, who recognized traditional rulers as royal fathers and custodians of culture and traditions of the land, also hinted that Governor Chukwuma Soludo’s administration respects and hold traditional rulers to a highest esteem and acknowledges their good works and efforts in facilitating achievement of his vision for the State, especially at the grassroots.

According to the Commissioner, who also commended the pivotal roles of traditional rulers in the State in facilitating community development; it is known to every traditional ruler in Anambra State and is also contained in the Code of Conduct for Anambra State Traditional Rulers in Anambra State, that any monarch who wants to confer chieftaincy title on any individual must first notify the state government through the Ministry of Local Government, Community and Chieftaincy Affairs, explaining what and what the person has done for the community to deserve such honour and chieftaincy title.

The Commissioner, while explaining that the clearance process will help to ensure that chieftaincy titles are conferred on deserving individuals and also motivate others to do good works, also hinted that the process will equally help to prevent duplication of chieftaincy titles (giving the same chieftaincy titles to two or more different people), as well as guard against potential abuse of traditional stool, among other things it will help stem. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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