Tinubu As A Candidate Was Of View That You Could Burglarize A Mandate, Grab It And Run Away–According to Odinkalu

Ariwoola in a mere two years as CJ has advanced his son and daughter-in-law to the bench–According to OdinkaluAccording to the Punch report, Prof. Chidi Odinkalu, a former chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, made the suggestion that the current administration’s problems with legitimacy are caused by a perceived lack of popular mandate, which has limited its capacity to carry out campaign promises and run the country efficiently.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He emphasized how the leaders of the regime, particularly President Tinubu, appeared to place more importance on seizing power by any means possible than on obtaining a valid mandate via respectable performance.

He said, “This is all because of the legitimacy deficits at the foundation of the administration’s claim of a mandate to rule. So, burdened by that legitimacy deficit, they have found themselves unable to embrace a theory of change founded on credible performance. To be fair, Tinubu as a candidate was of the view that you could burglarize a mandate, grab it, and run away with it. Having done the first, and the second, he finds himself increasingly hobbled in being able to run with it.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>