
There Is No Way Something Like This Will Happen Without The Knowledge Of The Military HQ -According to Garba

Slain Soldiers: We Will Not Accept Any Talk About Human Rights As If The Soldiers Being Killed Are Not Humans -According to Garba

Major General Mohammed Bashir Garba, a retired military commander, has claimed that information obtained may have been used to send the 12 soldiers and four senior officers to the communities where they were slain in Delta State. But he contended that such actions could not take place without the knowledge of the National Security Advisor’s office and military headquarters. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He apologized for the loss of brave warriors and combatants and asked the affected populations to understand the impact of their actions on the armed forces. In order to ensure responsibility, he demanded a prompt investigation by a board of inquiry and emphasized the significance of keeping the matter in the public eye, as has been the case in past instances.

He said in an interview with Arise TV, ”Information and Intelligence report, the military doesn’t joke with it. Maybe these commanding officers and his troops were lured into this battleground from the information they had gotten. But I bet to tell you that there is no way something like this will happen without the knowledge of the military HQ and the NSA office.

It’s very unfortunate that we lost those great combatants and soldiers. However, the communities there should understand that whenever you do this kind of thing, it’s a jab to the military. The friendliness that they will be expecting will be hard to come by. There is nothing we can do than to wait for the board of inquiry and it should be fast. It should not be allowed to cool down like other places we have been hearing of. And this one is very important; we should not allow it to repeat itself.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Slain Soldiers: We Will Not Accept Any Talk About Human Rights As If The Soldiers Being Killed Are Not Humans -According to Garba

Slain Soldiers: We Will Not Accept Any Talk About Human Rights As If The Soldiers Being Killed Are Not Humans -According to Garba

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People Are Telling Us Now That Why Don’t You Go And Invest Your Businesses In South East -According to Iwuanyanwu