He voiced concern about the underappreciation and underappreciation of the Igbo community’s contributions to Nigeria’s growth. He bemoaned the ubiquity of disparaging remarks and epithets aimed at the Igbo community, describing it as extremely humiliating, particularly for the younger cohort. He emphasized the detrimental effects of divisive statements and discriminatory rhetoric on societal cohesion, and he urged Nigerians to reject them.
He said in an interview with Arise TV, ”What is worrying us as Igbos is that instead of Nigeria to appreciate us. Instead of Nigeria to acknowledge this capacity of Igbos, they are making ridiculous statements, and some of them calling us all sort of names. And that is very embarrassing to us and even to our younger ones. Igbos have played a part since 1914 in building this country. There is no area of human endeavor where Igbos have lagged behind. Igbos have shown that they are patriotic Nigerians.
Igbos have not taken the money they get from Abuja to go and invest in Igbo Land. They still invested the money there. But people are telling us now that why don’t you go and invest your businesses in the South East but that is not the spirit of the Igbo man as an investor. I think that this is a fundamental issue, we want Nigerians to help us to stop people who are making discriminating speeches. These speeches create problems in our society.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>