There Are People God Can’t Get Their Attention Unless They Are Sick Or Arrested In A Prison-According to Bamiloye

There Are People God Can’t Get Their Attention Unless They Are Sick Or Arrested In A Prison-According to Bamiloye

Famous Evangelist Mike Bamiloye, a well-known member of the Nigerian Christian community, recently posted a profound message on Facebook, asking believers to continue paying attention to the Holy Spirit during what he refers to as a “Supernatural Explosion.” The evangelist warns against letting the spiritual core of their ministry be eclipsed by earthly distractions like celebrity and spectacular performances. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to him, “There are some people that God can’t get their attention unless they are sick or arrested in a prison cell. In the midst of the Supernatural Explosion, be attentive to the Holy Spirit. Don’t be carried away by your ability to act drama and show in movies. Don’t be carried away by the popularity. The more you are exposed to the World, the more endangered you are. This is a spiritual ministry and not an Entertainment business.”

Bamiloye’s message resonates with the idea that the essence of a spiritual ministry should not be overshadowed by the trappings of entertainment or popularity. He urged believers to recognize the distinction between a spiritual calling and the entertainment business, emphasizing that the former is centered on a divine mission. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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