
The name ‘Federal Republic of Nigeria’ is a lie, we’re not a federation, we are a quasi-unitary state- According to Professor ABC Nwosu

The name 'Federal Republic of Nigeria' is a lie, we’re not a federation, we are a quasi-unitary state- According to Professor ABC Nwosu

According to seasoned politician and former minister and commissioner in the Nigerian government Professor ABC Nwosu, Nigeria is still not a legitimate nation. He argues that because Nigeria functions more like a quasi-unitary state than a true federation, the term “Federal Republic of Nigeria” is misleading. He goes on to explain how the different parts of Nigeria do not have the same authority or power. According to Nwosu, Nigeria’s current Constitution does not adequately protect or represent its people. Therefore, he counsels Nigerians to put their fellow patriotism above mindlessly adhering to an ineffective administration. Furthermore, he advises depending on the National Anthem’s second verse, which emphasizes individual rights like life and liberty. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to The Sun, Nwosu said, “Some years ago, I gave an interview to a national newspaper where I said Nigeria is a lie. I still stand by that interview. The name of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is a lie. We’re not a federation; we are a quasi-unitary state. That’s why some silly people refer to component units as subnational governments. I wish they used it when the founding fathers were alive. They forget that there were ministers in the regions. They came together and negotiated a federal structure. Ahmadu Bello sent his third-in-command, Tarawa Belewa, to go and be in charge at the center.

The 1999 Constitution is a liar and not a Constitution of the People. We’re not a nation. We’re struggling to be a country. We’re made up of ethnic groups. Nigeria is yet to emerge. We’re being told to be patriotic. To who? To a country that doesn’t guarantee the welfare and protection of its people? If we want Nigerians to be patriotic, we must be patriotic to Nigerians. We should rely on the second stanza of the National Anthem. Nigerians should have the right to life and liberty. Truth exists. Only falsehood has to be invented.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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