The herdsmen uprooted our cassava, and whenever we complained, they raised their machete—According to Protester

The herdsmen uprooted our cassava, and whenever we complained, they raised their machete—According to Protester

A protest has been organized by some groups of women in Bayelsa State to voice their displeasure with the state’s herdsmen’s attitude.

One of the demonstrators, Victoria Tamuno, described how herdsmen destroyed their farm plants, particularly cassava, in the video that Arise News released. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

She continued by saying that the herdsmen would even pull premature cassava and give it to their cows.

However, the female protester disclosed that whenever the owner of the farm or the farmer in charge of the farmlands complains, the herdsmen will raise their machetes to their throats as a gesture indicating the choice of “life or death.”.

In the video, the protester, Tamuno, said, “Even the premature cassava has been harvested by the herdsmen to feed their cattle; whenever we complain, they will raise their machetes to their throats as a gesture indicating “life or death” and we will run away” . CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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