TB Joshua: The whole thing is stage managed and fake; it’s faked; I supervised everything for years – According to Agomoh Paul

TB Joshua: The whole thing is stage managed and fake; it's faked; I supervised everything for years - According to Agomoh Paul

Agomoh Paul, who was formerly regarded as TB Joshua’s second-in-command in the church, revealed shocking disclosures regarding the purported miracles carried out in a video released by the BBC. Paul described the miracles as staged and phony, claiming that they were meticulously planned and carried out. He claimed to have overseen these operations for years and to have intimate knowledge of every incident. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to Paul, a complex system was in place, including an emergency section where individuals were trained by medical doctors. Those with cancer were sent away, while people with ordinary wounds that could heal were brought in and presented as cancer patients. This created the false impression of instantaneous healing, although some recoveries actually took up to a year. Additionally, Paul mentioned threats made against him by Joshua, including an attempt on his life.

He said in the video, “Joshua came after me. He sent people; I was driving; they shot at the back of the vehicle; he sent them to kill me; he knew I knew so much about him. All the secret things he does, the manipulation. The miracle he did, the whole thing is stage managed and fake; it’s faked; I supervised everything for years. I know everything that happens. It’s a complicated system; we have the emergency section. They are being trained by medical doctors. Any cancerous situation, they send them away, and then people that have ordinary wounds that can heal, we bring them in to present as cancer. You’ll think that the healing just happened the same day, but some of them took a span of one year.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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