TB Joshua site: They hid the dead bodies & when it was 9pm,they asked everybody to leave – According to Ex aide

TB Joshua site: They hid the dead bodies & when it was 9pm,they asked everybody to leave - According to Ex aide

In a BBC News Africa documentary, Emmanuel—a former aide to the late Pastor TB Joshua—told the real story of what really happened when the synagogue structure fell. He said that the guesthouse in the synagogue building was discovered to be unstable by a member of the maintenance team. By one or two in the afternoon, the structure had given way. He went on to claim that after hiding the deceased bodies, they asked everyone to leave at 8:30 or 9:00 p.m. This was when the real work was completed. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Speaking further in a video posted by BBC News Africa, Emmanuel said, “On the 12th of September 2013, somebody working in the maintenance department went to that guesthouse, and as he was there, he realized that that building was unstable, and by 12pm to 1pm, the building collapsed. They told us, Don’t say what you know; he knew that there was something wrong with the building, but they were managing it. TB Joshua blocked the site immediately; he was trying to hide how brutal it was; even the emergency unit were never allowed to come in at first. Because of that, there were critical cases where people were trapped.

I even saw one of the guests that came; he was trapped under the rubbles there. The rubble was holding his leg, and a church worker like me told him that the only option was for them to cut off his leg; they had to bring a chainsaw, and they chopped off the leg. Issues like this were not handled without TB Joshua knowing; he was the one that gave that instruction. The next thing I heard was, Emmanuel, go and take your camera; the man of God needs to see what is going on there. TB Joshua wanted me to film; he prioritized filming over rescuing people.

They created a small hole, and then they put in this halogen light. When I entered that hole, it was a horrific scene. You could hear people saying, Help me, help me, and their voices were fading. You don’t know what they are going through, but you are assuming that these people were dying off. The church was pulling out people, showing the external media team that they were saving people, and then they hid the dead bodies, and when it was 8:30 to 9 p.m., they asked everybody to leave; that was when the real work was done.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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