TB Joshua: He Hit Me, He Slapped me, He Punched Me, And He Kicked Me In The Stomach—According to Jessica

TB JOSHUA: SCOAN Finally Reacts To The BBC's Report Regarding TB Joshua, Their Late Founder

Jessica, a former disciple of Pastor TB Joshua, disclosed in a video released by BBC News Africa that following her allegation of Pastor TB Joshua touching her inappropriately, he struck, slapped, punched, and kicked her in the stomach, accusing her of disseminating false information about him in an attempt to damage his reputation. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Speaking further, Jessica said that after telling the sister about the incident, pastor TB Joshua disputed everything, claiming it was impossible for a man of God to do such a thing, and then he began striking her.

According to her, “A sister reported me to him, saying Jessica called me and said you touched her inappropriately, and he stood up from his chair, and he was like, Sister, can I do that? Do I do such things to you? How can I, a man of God, do such a thing? She is lying; she is just lustful, and then he hit me, he slapped me, he punched me, and he kicked me in the stomach.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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