
Tariff: Ado-Ibrahim: Who gets 20 hrs of power supply in a day, That’s just a fallacy in itself

Tariff: Ado-Ibrahim: Who gets 20 hrs of power supply in a day, That's just a fallacy in itself

Malik Ado-Ibrahim, a former YPP presidential candidate, expressed his opinions about the recent hike in electricity prices and offered some solutions to address the inadequate power supply in the nation. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He claimed that charging the producers who are primarily classified as “Band A” clients will ultimately have an impact on the end users of their goods. He claimed that the assertion that there is a 20-hour electricity supply every day is untrue because no one in Nigeria currently experiences 20 hours of light. He claims that Nigerians have never experienced a day, month, or even a year without 20 hours of power supply in their nation.

Malik Ado-Ibrahim suggested that since we have six zeo-politicial zones in Nigeria each having a natural power generator just like the intense sunlight from the North West. He said this natural power generator from each zeo-political zone can be brought together to enhance the electricity supply in the nation.

Quoting some of his statements in an interview he had with Channels Television today, he said: This is not Robinhood, you can’t take from the rich and give to the poor because we are all poor in this nation. If we keep taxing the producers that will trickle down on those that are consuming. It is a punitive measure that will affect every single person in the country so it doesn’t work. The tariff vein is that 20 hrs of power supply, who gets 20 hrs of power supply. That’s a fallacy in itself. 20 or 24 hrs of power supply in a day has never happened, you can’t give me a day, month, or year when you had 20 hrs of power supply in this country”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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