Sule Lamido said. ‘Our children attend schools under trees, take their lessons sitting on the floor in classes


Sule Lamido, a former governor of Jigawa State, has criticised a few Northern governors for their recent visit to the US to talk about regional instability. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

The former governor claimed, according to PUNCH NEWS, that the trip was pointless and revealed their ignorance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria’s constitution.

Lamido claimed that since their people lack access to basic utilities, it is wasteful for the Governors to go on such a tour.

According to Sule Lamido, the Northern Governors prefer to spend money on wasteful journeys rather than equipping public schools used by the children of the region. He claimed that many children in the region attend schools under trees and take their lessons on the floor in classes. He argued that the money wasted to lodge hotels and take flights along with their aides could be used to sponsor a good project in the region.

Hear him, “Security is a very wide subject which their excellencies must have the capacity to grasp. Most urban towns in their states lack portable drinking water, and refuse dumps have taken over some streets. Our children attend primary schools under the trees and where there are classes, they take their lessons sitting on the floor, yet the security implications of this cannot be discerned by their Excellencies.

If the governors were serious and wanted to have a lecture on security, they need not have embarked on such a wasteful journey with the accompanying expenditure of flight tickets, hotels with all their aides, and above all the valuable time wasted at the expense of running their states.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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