Sanusi, the Emir of Kano:”Regionalism and Parliamentary System Are Not Solutions to Nigeria’s Problems”

Sanusi, the Emir of Kano:"Regionalism and Parliamentary System Are Not Solutions to Nigeria's Problems"Muhammadu Sanusi II, the Emir of Kano, recently discussed his opinions on Nigeria’s political system, stating that parliamentary administration and regionalism are not workable answers to the country’s issues. Sanusi claimed that the bicameral legislature and the requirement for ministers to be appointed from each state result in bureaucratic inefficiencies. He asserts that such actions are not always in the nation’s best interests.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

The Emir highlighted the negative impact of federal government interference in state matters, especially in areas like traditional and chieftaincy affairs. He stressed the importance of upholding constitutional principles and maintaining a clear separation of powers to ensure accountable governance. Sanusi believes that regionalism would exacerbate existing issues rather than resolve them and called for a more cohesive national identity and governance structure to promote unity and accountability.

As reported by Linda Ikeji’s Blog, Sanusi emphasized the benefits of devolving more power to state governments. He argued that if only half of the governors were effective, at least half of Nigeria would be well-governed. Sanusi pointed out that resources currently concentrated at the federal level should be redirected to the states, which are more directly responsible for essential services like primary education and healthcare.

Reflecting on Nigeria’s history, Sanusi questioned the effectiveness of the country’s past parliamentary and regional systems, which ultimately ended in crisis. He observed that political leadership often exploits regional and ethnic identities, leading to division rather than unity. The Emir emphasized that the focus should be on responsible leadership, as the success of any governmental system depends on the integrity of those who operate it.

Sanusi concluded by advocating for a unified national identity and governance structure that prioritizes the needs of the people over bureaucratic formalities, urging Nigerians to look beyond regional divisions and work towards a more accountable and cohesive nation.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>