Sani ‘The Minister Of Defense Is A Northerner & The National Security Adviser Is A Northerner’

Sani 'The Minister Of Defense Is A Northerner & The National Security Adviser Is A Northerner'

Speaking about the CBN department’s relocation to Abuja, Senator Uba Sani, the governor of Kaduna State, made accusations against Northerners holding important government positions under President Bola Tinubu, including the national security adviser, minister of defense, and the ministers of education and health. He emphasized how vital it is to address concerns related to security, health, and education if the region is to prosper. He denounced the practice of bringing politics into all government decisions, saying that this confuses the weaker people in the North. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He called for a focused effort to tackle these problems rather than spreading misinformation and urged collective action to address the pressing challenges in Northern Nigeria.

He said in an interview with TVC, ”Our major problem is human capital development. The minister of education, the minister of health is a Northerner. The minister of defense is a Northerner and the National Security adviser is a Northerner. When you are talking about the major issues that should bother us in Northern Nigeria, it’s human capital development which the key areas are education and health.

Even security is very important because, without security, we cannot be able to do anything. And we have Northerners sitting there in power. So talking about bringing politics into every decision of the government. For me, it’s very very lazy and it’s trying to confuse the downtrodden Northerners. So that they will be misinformed and misled. Let us sit down and address these problems.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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