Rita Edochie, Yul Edochie’s aunt, has turned to social media to explain why May hasn’t yet given the actor back the wedding price. Rita stated on her official Instagram page that May still hasn’t returned the bride price, saying that a woman has no right to do so and that a man should go to the lady’s compound with his kinsmen and get it. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
“In her words”
“A woman has no right to return the bride price of a man, rather it is the man who moves to the woman’s hometown with his kinsmen to ask for the return of the bride price, same way he went to pay initially”.
“Now talking about the return of bride price, no one is ready for that at the moment. Queen May has been asking for a divorce, she urged Yul our son to come and retrieve the bride price but he kept holding back thinking Queen May would give in to his Polygamous intentions”, Rita Edochie wrote.
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