Restructuring: All I Have Said Will Come To Pass Whether The Government likes It Or Not – According to Ayodele

Restructuring: All I Have Said Will Come To Pass Whether The Government likes It Or Not - According to Ayodele

According to a Daily Post Nigeria article, Primate Elijah Ayodele, the leader of the INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, allegedly advised President Bola Tinubu to consider restructuring Nigeria in order to take advantage of all of its numerous benefits. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Primate Ayodele emphasized that improved security and economic advancement are two advantages Tinubu’s administration may expect from adhering to these recommendations.

In a statement released by his media aide, Osho Oluwatosin, Primate Ayodele further explained that restructuring would decentralize power, granting each state more autonomy, and ultimately leading to the country’s overall resilience and progress.

According to him, “Restructuring will help Nigeria grow, it will give every state power and help the country survive. President Tinubu should work on this advice because it is important for this country.”

Primate Ayodele emphasized that there is a fundamental issue in the country that can only be resolved through a process of restructuring.

He further elaborated that if the government fails to heed advice, all the predictions he has made will gradually materialize.

“There is an error in the country and it has to be corrected through restructuring. All I have said will be happening one after the other whether the government likes it or not if there is no restructuring. If the government listens to this crucial advice, it will help the government.

Additionally, he disclosed that this initiative will assist the government in eliminating financial difficulties and mitigating insecurity.

‘Restructuring is crucial for the government as it holds the potential to address the issue of insecurity effectively. By implementing necessary changes, the government can alleviate economic hardships, making significant progress. It is imperative for the government to prioritize and actively engage in the process of restructuring.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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