Pictures: Peter Obi mourns the late Chief Ezeife and gives him his final respects during his funeral

His Excellency Peter Obi, the former governor of Anambra State and Labour Party presidential candidate, has shared pictures from his attendance at the funeral of the late Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife, the state’s first civilian governor, on social media. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>





His Excellency, Peter Obi stated that Late Chief Ezeife was a detribalised Nigerian who demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the progress and development of the nation. He went further to mention how he still cherish the fatherly words of wisdom, kind guidance, advice and encouragement, while Chief Ezeife was alive. The statement read thus;

“He was a detribalised Nigerian who demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the progress and development of our nation. I still cherish, so dearly, his fatherly words of wisdom, kind guidance, advice and encouragement, while he was alive. Such fatherly words of advice and encouragement are needed in our nation, now than ever, with the many challenges facing our nation at the moment. May God Almighty who called him home grant him eternal rest, and grant his family, and all of us, the fortitude to bear his irreplaceable loss.”





The former Anambra State Governor, Peter Obi concluded his statement by praying that the Almighty God grant the late Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife eternal rest and grant his family the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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