
Peter Obi Donated Boreholes To Some Northern Communities Northern Elders Forum React After

Peter Obi Donated Boreholes To Some Northern Communities Northern Elders Forum React After

Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s presidential contender in the general elections of 2023, went on a tour of the northern states. This trip was undertaken in the month of Ramadan, a sacred time. He dug boreholes for local villages that were having trouble with water scarcity as part of his humanitarian activities. Conversely, a variety of people and concerned organizations, such as the Northern Elders Forum, have responded to Obi’s selfless deeds. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, the spokesperson for the Northern Elders Forum, reportedly responded to questions surrounding Peter Obi’s recent visit and the donation of boreholes to villages in the Northern region, as reported by The Guardian. In his statement, Suleiman confessed that the North had made a mistake by voting for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the general elections that took place in 2023. He voiced his uncertainty regarding whether or not he will make the same error in subsequent election contests.

He noted that the North has gained many significant insights from the judgments that were made in the past regarding elections. The importance of selecting a candidate who is capable of encouraging national unity and leading in a manner that is in the best interests of all Nigerians was emphasized by him extensively. The statements made by Suleiman highlighted a change in the election strategy of the North, which prioritized candidates who had the capacity to bring the country collectively together.

In his speech, Suleiman reaffirmed the Forum’s dedication to ensuring that future elections do not repeat the errors that have occurred in the past. Additionally, he emphasized the significance of exercising caution and wisdom while picking candidates who are capable of properly addressing the difficulties that the nation is facing and promoting inclusivity. The remarks made by Suleiman were reflective of a more widespread feeling that existed among the Northern Elders Forum with regard to the necessity of strategic decision-making in electoral politics.

He brought attention to the fact that the Forum is resolute in its commitment to supporting candidates who are capable of fostering national unity and governing in a manner that is beneficial to all citizens. He placed a strong emphasis on the significance of gaining knowledge from previous mistakes and adopting a more careful approach to the process of making decisions on elections.

Hear him: “The North made a mistake in voting Bola Tinubu to the presidency in 2023, and it is unlikely that they will repeat the same error in the future. They have learned from their past misstep and will strive to select a candidate who can unite the country and govern in the best interests of all Nigerians.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Photo Of People Fetching Water From Dirty River And Borehole Obi Donated Reactions As Oseloka Shares

Photo Of People Fetching Water From Dirty River And Borehole Obi Donated Reactions As Oseloka Shares

According to Mahdi Shehu, Northern Politicians Who Aren't Happy About Obi's Borehole Project Should Hide Heads In Shame

According to Mahdi Shehu, Northern Politicians Who Aren’t Happy About Obi’s Borehole Project Should Hide Heads In Shame