Pastor Adeboye Issues Warning To People Who Have Secrets And Do Not Want It Exposed

Pastor Adeboye Issues Warning To People Who Have Secrets And Do Not Want It Exposed

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, issued a serious warning to anyone with secrets they would prefer to keep hidden during a sermon he dubbed “Let The Wind Blow” at their February 2024 Thanksgiving Service. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to him, “The Elders have a saying that when the wind blows, you will see the anus of the chicken which means hidden secrets will come into the open. We are just in February, several secrets are already coming into the open. The wind is already blowing, there’s nothing we can do to stop the wind from blowing.”

He then said, “I am appealing once again to all my children, if you know you have any secrets that you don’t want exposed, you better do something about it fast because there’s nothing we can do to stop the wind because you haven’t seen anything yet o. The wind is already blowing and may the wind blow in your favour.”

He also said, “We thank God that thus far he has helped us. I’ve always told you that I’m not a prophet, I’m a pastor but I do hear from God once in a while. The Lord told us at the beginning of the Year, He said, the wind is already blowing and there’s nothing we can do to stop the wind. You remember I explained about the wind blowing.”

He then prayed, “The almighty God will fight your battles for you. You will sing a new song of victory, success, prosperity. No matter how hard things may get, you will always have more than sufficient. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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