Pastor Adeboye Disclosed How He Almost Stood Up From An Exam Where He Couldn’t Answer Questions 1–8

Pastor Adeboye Disclosed How He Almost Stood Up From An Exam Where He Couldn't Answer Questions 1–8In a recent video broadcast by Divine Encounter, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, shared a first-hand narrative of his exam-taking experience during his scholastic days. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Even though he was top in his class in one area, he couldn’t solve a single question on the test. An unseen power prevented him from getting up and leaving the exam hall just as he was about to surrender in failure and frustration. He went back and answered every single question, even going so far as to write “mark any five” at the top of the answer sheet. “I was the top student in my class in one specific subject,” he said. When my classmates needed help with anything, they would come to me, but then test day arrived.

Also, on certain days, they’ll give you five of eight questions to answer. I read the first question and was confused. I proceeded to question two, which was blank, and question three, which was very confusing. I was perspiring profusely at this point. A, B, C, 7, and 8 Thus, I was going to stand up. You can actually go back and try again if you don’t succeed the first time. At least in this modern day, they refer to it as a receipt. I mentioned that nothing was working today just before I got up. I will return to complete the receipt. Someone, some unseen force, was holding me down.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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