Omoyele Sowore Attacks the Leadership and Health of President Tinubu

Prominent activist and organizer of the #RevolutionNow movement Omoyele Sowore recently shared her passionate views about President Bola Tinubu’s health and how it affects Nigeria in an interview with VOP FM. Following President Tinubu’s fall in Eagle Square during the 25th Democracy Day celebration in Abuja, Sowore made these remarks. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Sowore suggested that Tinubu’s fall was not merely an accident, implying that the President’s health is a significant concern. He accused Tinubu of using Nigeria as his health insurance, a stance he has maintained since his presidential campaigns in 2019 and 2023. According to Sowore, no country should be led by someone unwell, as it compromises effective governance.

“I have no problem with old or sick people because these are natural occurrences,” Sowore stated. “However, when it is evident that they are incapable of running a country like Buhari did for eight years, they should step aside for individuals who are healthy and capable.”

Sowore’s comments also highlighted the disparity between the United States and Nigeria in terms of institutional strength. He pointed out that while America can function without an active president due to its robust institutions, Nigeria’s unitarian system ties the country’s fate closely to the President’s office. This dependency makes it crucial for Nigeria to have a capable leader at the helm.

In the interview, Sowore dismissed comparisons between President Tinubu and U.S. President Joe Biden, arguing that Biden’s health status is publicly known and managed, unlike Tinubu’s. He criticized the tendency to compare Nigeria’s issues with those of America, especially when such comparisons are used to justify or downplay Nigeria’s challenges.

“By the way, if America is doing something wrong, must Nigeria follow suit? It is not as if we are emulating America’s right actions. We are only interested in using America’s wrongs to justify our own. How long are we going to do that for?” Sowore questioned.

According to Sahara Reporters, Sowore reiterated that Nigeria should not allow a sick person to lead the nation. He emphasized that the country needs leaders who are fit, capable, and in good health to drive progress and development.READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>