Okuama Killings: The Soldiers Could Not Return Fire Because Of The Powerful Incantations: According to Source

Okuama Killings: The Soldiers Could Not Return Fire Because Of The Powerful Incantations: According to Source

According to a reliable source, the attackers’ employment of strong incantations prevented the 17 killed troops from retaliating against their assailants. According to the Nigerian military, the 17 troops perished during a peacekeeping assignment in the Okuama hamlet in the Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to the report by Vanguard on Saturday, the Commander of the Joint Task Force in Bomadi, the late Major Shaffa, had gone to Okuama with his men on March 14 for a peacekeeping mission.

A man named Anthony Aboh had allegedly been abducted by Okuama youths a day before that, and a former supervisory councillor who was Anthony Aboh’s brother had reported the matter to JTF.

When Major Shaffa went to Okuama with his men to initiate peace and secure the release of the man, the gunmen held him and one of the soldiers in his team hostage.

According to the report, the gunmen held them hostage when Major Shaffa insisted on leaving with the chairman and some community leaders.

When the Commanding Officer of the 181 Amphibious Battalion, late Lieutenant Colonel A. H. Ali, heard what had happened to his colleagues, he mobilized some men and set out to Okuama to save them. But unfortunately, they met the same fate.

The driver who escaped with some of the soldiers when the gunmen opened fire on them at the waterfront told the newsmen, “When the armed youths came out of their hideout after the peace talks in the community hall, as the soldiers were forcing the community chairman to the waterfront to board their boats, they signaled the community chairman to stoop and lie low on the ground.

“The commander and his men did not notice the signal. This was after the In can temtations by the juju priestess and priest. It was after the chairman laid down that the shooting started. The soldiers could not return fire because of the powerful incantations.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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