Odinkalu On NPF Rejects Of PSC’s List “Impressive That Nigerian Police Complain Of Alleged Corruption”

Odinkalu On NPF Rejects Of PSC’s List "Impressive That Nigerian Police Complain Of Alleged Corruption"The rejection is based on allegations of corruption associated with the recruitment process.

This incident has brought widespread discussion and concern among the public.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

“Some people may find it rather impressive that @PoliceNG is indeed reported as complaining of ‘alleged corruption’. I will not comment,” Professor Chidi Odinkalu wrote.

The NPF’s decision to reject the PSC’s list has raised questions about the integrity of the recruitment process.

The allegations of corruption suggest that there may have been irregularities in the selection of candidates.

The Police Service Commission, responsible for overseeing the recruitment, promotion, and discipline of police personnel, is now under question.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>