not necessarily because he wants to serve Nigerian, He wants to be president because it was his turn

not necessarily because he wants to serve Nigerian, He wants to be president because it was his turnBabachir Lawal, the former secretary to the government of the federation, expressed his opinions about Asiwaju Bola Tinubu’s presidential campaign. Lawal explained that Tinubu’s ambition was not so much motivated by a sincere desire to serve the Nigerian people as it was by an entitlement complex and the conviction that it was his time to take the reins.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Lawal criticized Tinubu’s approach, suggesting that his primary motivation was to claim what he perceived as his rightful position rather than to address the needs and challenges of the nation. He pointed out that Tinubu seemed more focused on asserting his turn to lead rather than exhibiting a deep-seated commitment to governance or having a well-defined plan for the country’s future.

In his commentary, Lawal emphasized that Tinubu’s actions and decisions appeared to be rooted in this mindset of entitlement. According to a report by The Sun, Lawal stated, “He (President Tinubu) said it was his turn and he did what he did because it was his turn. He wanted to be president because it was his turn, not necessarily because he wanted to serve Nigerians or because he had knowledge of what he was going to do. It was just a sense of entitlement. And so, with such a mindset, he therefore assembles a cabinet of like minds.”

This perspective implies that Tinubu’s leadership may be influenced by personal ambition rather than national interest, potentially leading to the appointment of individuals in his administration who share similar motivations. Lawal’s remarks cast doubt on Tinubu’s readiness to address the critical issues facing Nigeria and suggest that his presidency could be more about personal legacy than effective governance.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>