“No Matter How Broke You Are, Don’t Approach Wealthy Folk About What They Can Do For You” – According to Reno Omokri

"No Matter How Broke You Are, Don't Approach Wealthy Folk About What They Can Do For You" - According to Reno OmokriReno Omokri, a well-known novelist and social commentator, recently shared a thought-provoking viewpoint on the interactions between rich and poor people on Facebook. Speaking on the subject of financial independence and self-improvement, Omokri stressed that poor people frequently make the grave error of looking to wealthy people to be their saviors.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Known for his motivational messages and practical advice, he stressed the importance of value exchange. He encouraged those in financial distress to temporarily set aside their own needs and focus on identifying and addressing the needs of the wealthy.

According to him, “Poor people often look for rich people to be their destiny helpers. And that is often why they stay poor. Because the rich will hardly help you if you can’t first help them. No matter how broke you are, do not approach wealthy folk about what they can do for you. Instead, your pitch should be what you can do for them. Forget about your poverty for a minute and think of a need they have and how best you can meet it. That is your visa into their world. And once you start walking with the wealthy, the rest will be history.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>