
mounts criticism at home, Israel suffers biggest soldier loss against Hamas since the war began

mounts criticism at home, Israel suffers biggest soldier loss against Hamas since the war began

A new onslaught in Gaza on Monday resulted in the deaths of around twenty-one Israeli troops, according to a report by CNN Jerusalem. According to Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari, the soldiers were getting ready to blow up two buildings in the area that Hamas had taken over. Prematurely setting off the explosion, the militia group member shot a rocket-propelled grenade at a neighboring tank during the process. Others who were sleeping behind the building also perished, including the two troops who mounted the battle tank. The report went on to say that the structure collapsed onto them. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

The pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu either to continue the offensive or halt the war grows deeper . In a committee meeting held by the Israeli’s parliament was disrupted by the families of those held captive by the Hamas in Gaza. They asked Netanyahu how would he be in the office while their sons and daughters are being killed daily? Now that and pressure of loss of 21 soldiers surfaced, no one can tell what could be the end point in his plan. Since the inception of the war, for the first time, the Zionist suffered huge causalities in the war.

It is actually not going to easy because the plan is to make Gaza totally ungovernable by illegal arm group and also to thwart Palestinian independent statehood establishment after the war. The Hamas has been using their fellow allies in crime to maintain territorial resistance against. The militia alliances of Hamas are Hezbollah, Hauthis among other. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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