Mixed Reactions Trail As Dele Farotimi said If Obi Is Arrested, He’ll Hit The Streets And Make Sure He’s Arrested Too

Mixed Reactions Trail As Dele Farotimi said If Obi Is Arrested, He'll Hit The Streets And Make Sure He's Arrested Too

If he is similarly imprisoned, he continued, then no one should seek his release. He wrote, “Arresting Obi is a line that must not be crossed,” on his page. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

I’ll call them to hit the streets if they dare. May God kill everyone who would dare to demand my release if I am also arrested. I expect everyone to take to the streets.

However, a lot of people responded to his statement on social media. Kindly read through the following comments from a few of the readers of the post.

No one should demand his release, he continued, if he is similarly detained. In his page, he penned; Arresting Obi is a line that must not be crossed. If they dare, I will make the call to hit the streets. If I am equally arrested, may God destroy anyone who could presume to demand for my release. I anticipate you all to strike the streets.

But many others took to social media to respond to his statement. Please take a moment to read the following responses from a handful of the post’s commenter’s. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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