Social media users’ responses to a photo that appeared online showing Peter Gregory Obi, the former governor of Anambra state, holding a small infant, have been mixed. On Sunday, Peter Obi’s official X handle posted the photo. Peter Obi claims that the photo was taken on his Easter visit to an Anambra correctional facility. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
In the post that he titled “We Are All Prisoners”, he said he reminded the inmates that everyone is a prisoner in the country. He said he also told them that everyone needs to seek mercy and help from God.
The former governor of Anambra state wrote on his page;
“Today, I spent part of my Easter celebration at the Onitsha Correctional Centre, where I joined the Archbishop of Onitsha Catholic Archdiocese, His Grace, Most Rev Valerian Okeke, to mark the Easter Celebrations mass with the inmates. In interacting with the inmates, I reminded them that we are all prisoners in our nation, and we all need to seek mercy and help from God”.
Kindly checkout photo of Peter Obi at the correctional centre below.
However, after he made the post, there were several reactions from social media users.
Kindly read some comments below. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>