Mixed Reactions Following Isa Pantami Speaks on The Birth of Jesus on Christmas Day

The Nigerian Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Professor Isa Ibrahim Pantami, stirred controversy on Christmas Day when he discussed the birth of Jesus Christ from an Islamic perspective on Twitter. Social media users responded to the post in a variety of ways, with some urging conversation and a better comprehension of other theological perspectives. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Pantami cited the Qur’an’s Chapter 19, Verse 16 in his tweet, which describes the miraculous birth of Jesus devoid of any male influence. The purpose of the post was to clarify the Islamic perspective on Jesus and his importance to the faith.

While some individuals praised Pantami for promoting interfaith dialogue and bridging religious gaps, others criticized the timing of the tweet, especially on a day widely celebrated as the birth of Jesus by Christians around the world. Some felt that the tweet was unnecessary, as it had the potential to ignite tensions during a season of peace and goodwill.

The post triggered a broader discussion about the importance of respecting religious diversity and promoting harmony between different faith communities. Many users emphasized the need to foster mutual understanding, appreciate the beliefs of others, and engage in respectful dialogue rather than fueling division. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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