June 12 Struggle: Tinubu was There Before He Went into Exile, All Those Making Noise Now Were Not There-According to Odion Akhaine

June 12 Struggle: Tinubu was There Before He Went into Exile, All Those Making Noise Now Were Not There-According to Odion AkhaineOnce imprisoned for his advocacy of the June 12 election’s revalidation, Professor Odion Akhaine expressed his dissatisfaction in the present Nigerian administration for failing to uphold the spirit of June 12. According to Vanguard, he mentioned the sacrifices made by patriots to bring democracy to the nation.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Akhaine stated that the current leaders do not fully appreciate the importance of June 12. While some view President Buhari’s actions as a step towards national reconciliation, Akhaine believes there is a lack of genuine nationalist sentiment behind these efforts.

He pointed out that many of the current political leaders lack a deep understanding of the June 12 struggle, with few having actively participated in it. Notably, he mentioned Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State, who worked alongside Shehu Sani, Vice President of Campaign for Democracy, Kaduna Zone, during that period. However, he criticized other leaders for their apparent disconnection from the struggle and their failure to uphold democratic values.

In his words: “Most of the current practitioners hardly know anything about June 12. I have not seen any of them who were deeply involved in the struggle. However, we have the current Kaduna State governor, Uba Sani, who worked with Shehu Sani, who was the Vice President of Campaign for Democracy, Kaduna Zone, at the time. President Tinubu was there before he went into exile. All those making noise now were not there. That is why they don’t value democracy. It is also the reason they only line their pockets while the Nigerian workers can barely feed themselves.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>