Joshua Iginla: Three Things That Has Divided The Church

 Joshua Iginla: Three Things That Has Divided The Church

The founder and senior pastor of the Champions Royal Assembly, Prophet Joshua Iginla, recently posted a message on his official Facebook page for the general public. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He said, “Until the body of Christ reconciles with oneness as typified by the God-head, certain levels of revival can never materialize. The oneness that the Godhead as the trinity exemplifies is something that the church of Christ need to specifically strive to imitate.

He then revealed three things that has divided the church today. They are:

1. Doctrinal Differences.

According to him, “The differences in doctrines in many ways has brought about division in the body. There are preachers who come up with doctrines and present them with superiority mentality to put down other preachers who are not in their line of doctrines. This should never be the case. It is spiritual immaturity for you as a preacher to feel that you are doctrinally superior to other preachers, thereby talking them down.”

2. Misconception

He said, “Misconception and misinterpretation of the Gospel by preachers and believers has contributed greatly to the division in the body of Christ. There are preachers who misconceive and misinterpret scriptures, then put out unnecessary arguments to sponsor division amongst believers.”

3. Self Pride

He said, “Excessive self pride has made some preachers feel more correct than others, and by so doing they present their messages with egotistic attitudes. That is not the way of the Spirit.”

Finally, he prayed, “I prophesy, the spirit of oneness shall be fully restored in the body of Christ for the expression of the end time revival. In Jesus name.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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