It was not my wish or intention to fight the civil war, It is not a hatred against any people -According to Gowon

It was not my wish or intention to fight the civil war, It is not a hatred against any people -According to Gowon

Reflecting on Nigeria’s civil war, former military Head of State General Yakubu Gowon emphasized that he had never wanted to be involved in fighting. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Gowon stated that the choice to fight the civil war was a reaction to the difficult political circumstances of the time rather than being motivated by hatred in a film that TVC recently posted on YouTube. Gowon emphasized that the decision that mattered most was whether to keep Nigeria united or risk its disintegration. He added that at the time, he was deeply committed to upholding Nigeria’s glory and that his main concern was protecting the country. He reaffirmed his support for the nation and emphasized how crucial it is to preserve Nigeria.

In Gowon’s words: “It was not my wish or intention to fight the civil war, It is not a hatred against any people but the political situation at the time was such that it got to the point where it is either Nigeria remained one country or not. And as I always said during that time, if the question of breaking Nigeria is not part of our discussion, we will review everything in order to make sure that Nigeria survived and be a great country. I am a great believer in Nigeria”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>


  1. I used to believe you, or at least be indifferent, but now I don’t. Nigeria has never been together and Nigeria was not together when the civil war started. You would’ve just peacefully let them go, and saved everyone, including present-day Nigerians this nightmare we have today.

    You need to apologize to all Nigerians, and then in particular, the Igbos for the horror you put them through. Stop pretending you didn’t hate them then.

    Everyone would’ve been better off if Nigeria had disintegrated peacefully in the 1960s, cos Nigeria is simply a contraption of convenience for the British, without any consideration for the wellbeing of the people.

    Be courageous and mske that clean, clear apology. You and T. Y. Danjuma.

    Shebi you saw the Plateau massacre. Heard youre from Plateau.

  2. If General Gowon is sincere why did he back out from the agreement he signed at Aburi?
    After all that agreement would have ended the war and Nigeria would have remained a strong united country under a confederation which was similar to what was practised before the military coup of Nzogwu.
    The simple truth is that Gowon was used by those whose intention was only to dominate and appropriate Nigeria for their themselves and that is the calamity that Nigeria is facing today

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