Renowned Yoruba film actress Wunmi Toriola has declared that she would be happy to reconcile with her former spouse and that she would love to have all of her children with one man. She stated that she would love to have all of her children with one man in a video interview that was shared on Intelregion’s official Instagram page. She also expressed her desire to make amends with her ex-husband. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
In her statement, she said, “I want to have more kids. I already have a boy, so I want to have a girl because I need to have a little version of me. For me, I’m not just stopping at one because I love children, so I want at least two more kids, and the decision right now has to do with my love life. I want to have all my kids with one man, that’s why I would love to settle with my ex-husband.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>