How Can You Pay Army Allowance Of N1,200 Daily And N2,000 As DTA And Put Him In The Theatre? – According to Ndume

How Can You Pay Army Allowance Of N1,200 Daily And N2,000 As DTA And Put Him In The Theatre? - According to Ndume

The majority whip for the Senate, Senator Ali Ndume, has criticized the pay received by Nigerian soldiers, alleging that the monthly income of Nigerian security agents is less than N50,000. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Speaking in a recent interview that appeared in Vanguard and on Channels Television’s Politics Today, Ndume said that the Nigerian Army is paid N2,000 for Duty Tour Allowance (DTA) and N1,200 per day for allowances. He claimed that despite receiving meager pay, these soldiers continue to combat rebels on the front lines.

Speaking further, he questioned how these soldiers are expected to put in their best and make sacrifices when their monthly salary cannot even afford a bag of rice.

He said, “The recruits are paid less than N50,000 in some cases. How can you pay somebody money that cannot buy him a bag of rice and you expect him to go and sacrifice and put in his best?

“How can you pay a Nigerian Army, for example, an allowance of N1,200 as his daily money, and pay him N2,000 only as Duty Tour Allowance (DTA) and put him in the theatre? Some from Lagos, Oyo, and Ondo moved to Maiduguri.”

Ndume said that the parents of these soldiers expect that they would send them money at the end of the month, yet all they receive is N50,000 as salary.

He said that these are some of the challenges that the system is facing, and that the government must rise up to it. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for speaking out, it’s on fortunate that those who are laying their life for us are not being care for. #1,200 can this buy a plate of food for GOD sake.
    As a Senator you can move for upward review of their salary. Thank for doing so, the greatest is that when they died there benefit are not paid in time too.

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