Gov Sani went to Southern Kaduna for a Church programme, but after that, what was their gain? – According to Felix Hyat

Gov Sani went to Southern Kaduna for a Church programme, but after that, what was their gain? - According to Felix Hyat

Felix Hyat, a former aviation minister and the chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party in Kaduna state, has offered his opinions on the government of Governor Uba Sani. Concerned that the governor’s appointments seemed unbalanced, he implied that they were much more so than those of Malam Nasir El-Rufai, his predecessor. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

While praising Governor Sani’s outreach to churches, especially in Southern Kaduna, Hyat acknowledged the commendable effort but questioned the real benefits for the populace in an interview with Punch. Beyond symbolic trips, he underlined the necessity for practical initiatives, saying that personal visits wouldn’t always result in significant benefits for constituents.

Hyat advised Governor Sani to expand his cabinet to ensure a more inclusive representation of the state’s diverse population.

In Hyat’s words: “He came and he has made all his appointments that are more lopsided than that of his predecessor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai then he started visiting churches for programs. Governor Sani went to Southern Kaduna for a Church programme, but after that, what was their gain? If he visited me in my house, how would that benefit my people?

“So, it’s good because people are now having the feeling that they are being recognized. But if the recognition only stops at visits, certainly, it’s a dangerous thing. Therefore, I will advise that there is nothing wrong with him expanding his cabinet to carry more constituents of his state along” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

1 Comment

  1. Hmmm, the fact that he is doing well and trying to do more good in his tenure, am still aurging him to do more, he should also try to expand his cabinet also is very important. More kuddos our dependable governor

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