Gift Worlu:”Gov of Bayelsa told Gov of Rivers, go and make peace with your people he would not listen”

Gift Worlu:"Gov of Bayelsa told Gov of Rivers, go and make peace with your people he would not listen"In an interview with Politics HQ, a News Central Television program, former Rivers State Commissioner for Housing Gift Worlu blamed Governor Siminalayi Fubara for the state’s leadership crisis, pointing out that the Governor disregarded several orders intended to defuse tension in the area.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He added that even the Governor of Bayelsa State had urged him to go and make peace, but he did not listen.

Worlu had said, “Don’t forget that before now, there was a peace pact when this problem started, there was attempt even by the President of the country to try to make people to understand that this peace will not do anybody any good, but nobody listened; some people listened if you ask me, some people listened but the Governor and his people did not listen. And again, if you have followed the developments in the State up to now, you will agree with me that the Governor at some point visited the Governor of Bayelsa State, during that meeting the Governor clearly told him – the Governor of Bayelsa told the Governor of Rivers State, go and make peace with your people, he wouldn’t listen.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to a video on News Central Television’s YouTube Channel –