It was announced on Sunday, March 31, 2024, that an eight-year-old girl had been taken to a police station in Lagos State after it was alleged that her guardian had left her behind inside a commercial truck. The youngster, a Togolese named Tayofo, was left behind by her guardian, whose identity is still unknown, on a trip, according to Benjamin Hundeyin, the state police command’s public relations officer, who revealed the story on his X handle on Sunday. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
According to him, when the girl was brought to a police station in the state by some Good Samaritans, the police operatives asked her some questions but all she could answer correctly were her name and where she came from.
She was unable to give details about where they were coming from and where they were going to.
Hundeyin added that the police command decided to post the matter on the social media so that her guardian who left her behind or her family members can be contacted in order for her to reunite with them.
Hundeyin wrote: “This little girl, about eight years of age, was left behind in a commercial vehicle by her guardian. All she knows is that her name is Tayofo and that she is from Togo.
“Kindly share this information to help her reunite with her guardian/family.”
Below is the screenshot of the post by the Police PRO on the matter: CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>