Dollar/Naira Rate: Adeboye Verified Fulfilment Of Prophecy He Made At The Beginning Of The Year

Dollar/Naira Rate: Adeboye Verified Fulfilment Of Prophecy He Made At The Beginning Of The Year

General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Pastor E. A. Adeboye delivered a statement regarding the recent increase in the dollar to naira exchange rate. He referred to his prophecy from the beginning of the year and urged Nigerians to pray. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Speaking on “Let The Wind Blow” at their February 2024 Thanksgiving Service, he said, “We thank God that thus far he has helped us. The Lord told us at the beginning of the Year, He said, the wind is already blowing and there’s nothing we can do to stop the wind. You remember I explained about the wind blowing.”

He added, “I am going to beg you to pray for Nigeria. You will remember God also said at the beginning of the Year that things are going to get worse before they get better. Now, if you know the value of the Naira to the Dollar by January 1 and you compare it to the value of the Naira to the Dollar today, you will know, “it looks as if this little boy heard from God o.”

He then said, “The reason we have to pray and pray with all our strength is that when he says things will get worse before they get better, we don’t know how worse, we don’t know how far down we will go before we begin to climb again. So please with all your heart, we want you to begin to cry to God and say, “have mercy on us. Let the downward turn end very quickly,” because when things get worse, it’s innocent people like you and I who will suffer.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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