The former Nigerian Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Clem Agba, candidly discussed how his opinion of President Buhari changed after the latter was appointed to the cabinet in 2019 in an interview with Channels TV. He claimed to have heard, prior to joining, that Buhari was an ailing man who never laughed, smiled, or read. But when he became a member of the government, he discovered that this was untrue. Rather, he discovered that Buhari was prompt, considerate of others’ time, and detail-oriented. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
He said, “President Buhari was president in 2015, and I wasn’t in cabinet then. So, my impressions of him from when I was outside the cabinet and when I joined in 2019 were totally different. We were told before I joined the cabinet that there is a man who is so sick, that he never could really stay in Federal Executive Council meetings all through. What we were told is he never smiles, he never jokes, he does not read, and all of that. But when I joined the cabinet, I found a different president. Someone who pays attention to details. In the first place, he keeps to time. If the Federal Executive Council meeting is for 10, a minute to 10, he walks in and at 10 the national anthem is taken.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>