
BREAKING NEWS: Cannabis is the greatest medicine on the planet – Whoopi Goldberg

Cannabis is the greatest medicine on the planet – Whoopi Goldberg

Hollywood superstar, Whoopi Goldberg has asserted that cannabis popularly known as weed, is most likely the greatest medicine on the planet.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

She made this statement in a feature interview with Forbes while admitting that she used cannabis medicinally in the past to help with painful menstrual cramps.

The 68-year-old actress, who is launching her own brand of products in July including edibles and pre-rolls, stressed that ‘medicine should be in the hands of people. Whoopi said; “We know that’s wrong. And people say, well, that’s just anecdotal,

but it’s not anecdotal. Everybody you talk to would tell you that medicine doesn’t have to be horrifying. Especially when it’s herbal, when it’s growing out of the ground and doesn’t need an additive, which means it can stay reasonably priced for people to go pick it up.

“Cannabis is probably the greatest medicine on the planet. For people like me, it was always used to stop the [menstrual] cramps – and the side hustle of that is that it was fun, it made you laugh and stuff.

“They’re not taboo anymore because we all know women get a period. We know. So you can either make it hard,

which they’ve done in terms of creating something that helps women… But this [cannabis] we know works.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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