Betta Edu: The EFCC and the President must also consider that there are measures you put in place that must be corrective rather than destructive’ – According to Adeniyi Kunnu

Betta Edu: The EFCC and the President must also consider that there are measures you put in place that must be corrective rather than destructive' - According to Adeniyi Kunnu

Adeniyi Kunnu is an investigator Betta Edu brought attention to the challenges faced by women in politics following the suspension of the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs. She did this by citing the case of Farida Waziri, the former head of the EFCC, who encountered issues both in the political arena and within the organization due to internal conflicts. He remarked that rather of taking harmful action, the President and the EFCC should take corrective measures regarding women in Nigerian politics. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He emphasized that women must comprehend the politics’ intrinsic contentiousness in order to enter the field of Nigerian politics; academic knowledge alone will not enough.

In addition to stressing the value of fair trials, he stated that in order to preserve a democratic system that is balanced, Betta Edu and Sadiya Umar Farouq should be fixed rather than eliminated.

”Quite Frankly, the EFCC and the President must also consider that there are measures you put in place that must be corrective rather than destructive,” he said in an interview with Channels TV. Because it has been difficult for women in Nigerian politics, as can be seen. When Farida Waziri was in office in the EFCC, she was a victim of Hyenas. The people around her became Hyenas and Jackals. For this reason, our women need to understand that the political arena they are entering is a battlefield. To enter Nigerian politics, one must not only comprehend books but also that the country’s politics are characterised by mudslinging. Consequently, a fair hearing is what Betta Edu and Sadiya Umar Farouq both demand. And we can only have a balanced system when they are fairly heard and corrected rather than destroyed. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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