Betta Edu: Dr Don Enamhe “N44B Was Missing And The Former Minister Returned N37.9B Back To The Ministry”

Betta Edu: Dr Don Enamhe "N44B Was Missing And The Former Minister Returned N37.9B Back To The Ministry"

Dr. Don Clem Enamhe, a public affairs analyst and lecturer at the University of Calabar, has questioned the reasoning behind Sadiya Umar Farouq, the former minister, choosing someone who had previously retired from government as a special adviser for financial problems. He made it clear that the reason for the person’s return was to address worries regarding the theft of 44 billion naira. He maintained that the emphasis was an attempt to deflect criticism away from the missing cash, of which Sadiya Umar Farouq, the previous minister of Humanitarian Affairs, is said to have returned 37.9 billion naira. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He alleged that the special adviser, upon returning, initiated actions to tarnish the reputation of Dr. Betta Edu. Emphasizing Dr. Betta Edu’s integrity and efficient coordination, he expressed concern that the whistleblower’s intention was to bring down someone of her clean stature.

He said in an interview with Arise TV, ”Why will somebody who had retired from the service be appointed as a special adviser for the financial matter to the former lady [Sadiya Unar Farouq]. He now comes back because they were called to order for 44 billion naira. This is something we are trying to divert from. N44B was missing and the former minister returned N37.9B back to the ministry. Even though it is not complete. But then the SA now came back and blew the whistle to see how he could bring down Dr. Betta who is so clean and co-ordinated.

Mr President appointed Dr. Betta Edu from the youth family, he gave the youth hope and he brought one of their best. And it was a highly contested election. They keyed on because there was so much followership of this government. If you see the CVs of the people working with Betta Edu, they are young people.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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