Atiku is behaving like an alternative President; he is not an alternative President — According to Dayo Sobowale

Tinubu: If The Shoes Are Too Big, He Should Step Aside, Nigeria Does Not Need Another Tourist -According to Atiku

Dayo Sobowale, a political analyst, has attacked Atiku Abubakar, the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) presidential candidate for 2023, for criticizing President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s policies and claiming that the economy would collapse if he keeps up his current course. Dayo Sobowale also said that the former vice president is acting like an alternative president, even though he is not one. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Dayo Sobowale had said, “Atiku is in a position to say what he has said. If it has been said by civil rights group, or if it were to be said by you or me, well everybody knows what it is; it will be taken as it is, that it is somewhat a reflection of what is on the ground. But being Atiku saying it, and the context in which he is saying it poses a different sort of situation and a need for a different sort of appraisal; he lost the election, and in a Presidential System, let’s get this very clear, it’s a winner takes all situation for four years. You do the election — you win the election as President in an executive presidency, you take over for four years; the box stops on your table; there’s no room in the Presidential System, for assistant or what do you — alternative President, or President in waiting, it’s only at election time the competition is settled, and whoever wins should be given a clear coast to run based on his manifesto. The renewed hope agenda is not a stranger to all of us, even Atiku knows it by heart, but you see Atiku is behaving like an alternative President; he is not an alternative President.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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