Arodiogbu statement. “The SE is the only zone that has one tribe, Igbo people, other zones have many tribes”

Since the SouthEast geopolitical zone is the only one with a single indigenous ethnicity, the Igbo people, Dr. Ijeomah Arodiogbu, the Zonal Chairman of the All Progressive Congress in Southeast, favours the creation of an additional state in a frank interview with TVC TV. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He contends that the existing number of states in the South East is unfair in comparison to other zones, especially in light of the North West’s seven states.

Citing the need for balance and fairness, he suggests that the creation of another state would correct this imbalance, bringing the number of states in the SouthEast up to the same level as the other zones.

He said, “I support the idea that SouthEast deserves at least one more state to make a balance. Among the geopolitical zones in Nigeria, the North West has seven states. Every other geopolitical zone, the SouthWest, South-south, North Central, and NorthEast has six states each. So, my people are of the opinion that it would be nice for us to have an additional state so that there could be balance. Among the geopolitical zones, the SouthEast is the only zone that could be said to be indigenous. The SouthEast is the only zone that has one tribe, the Igbo people. Every other geopolitical zone has many tribes.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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