Any Church That Is Built Around One Man Is Dangerous. It Is Very Dangerous -According to Fr Kelvin Ugwu

Any Church That Is Built Around One Man Is Dangerous. It Is Very Dangerous -According to Fr Kelvin Ugwu

Fr. Kevin Ugwu highlights the possible risks of churches centered around a single person in a recent Facebook post, alerting readers to the potential pitfalls of such congregations. He argues that worshiping should take center stage in a church, with the preacher receiving no more attention than is necessary. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to him, “Any church that is built around one man is dangerous. It is very dangerous. People should be able to go to church and worship without placing so much focus on the minister. There is nothing like a powerful man of God, rather, what we have is a powerful God.”

Fr. Kelvin, urges believers to shift their perspective away from exalting human leaders to recognizing the divine power that transcends any individual. According to Fr. Kevin, the emphasis should be on the collective worship and spiritual growth of the congregation rather than elevating one person to a position of excessive influence. His perspective aligns with a broader discourse on the structure and dynamics of religious institutions, sparking reflection on the potential pitfalls associated with placing too much reliance on a single individual within a church community. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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